以前に書いた「mpdで演奏中の曲データをワンクリックで Windows のクリップボードに取り込む」の続編というか,改良版というか.
This is the follow-up article of the previous post "Getting info. of the now-playing song on mpd into the Windows clipboard with one click".
前の記事では mpc コマンドの出力を awk とかで処理して必要な情報だけを取り出したりしていたが,mpc コマンドに --format (-f) というオプションがあったのだった.
In the previous post, the output of mpc command is handled with awk to extract desired info. However, mpc features a very useful option --format (-f).
For example,
mpc -h voyage.local -f "%artist%" current
The above operation simply gives the players name of the now-playing song.
-f のよいところは," "の中に %artist% 等のメタデータや制御文字を使って,かなり自由なフォーマット指定ができるところ.
-f option enables us to display info. in freely designed formats using the defined metadata like %artist% and escape sequences.
"The Eye of the Hurricane" by Herbie Hancock from "Maiden Voyage" #nowplaying #voyagempd
The .bat file below sends the info to the clipboard like the above example.
Note that the escape sequence is required for some special characters in a Windows .bat file.
getdata.bat ---
@echo off
mpc -h voyage.local --format "\"%%title%%\" by %%artist%% from \"%%album%%\" ##nowplaying ##voyagempd" current | nkf32 -s | clip
なお,-f で使えるメタデータ等はこちらを参考に.
The metadata and escape sequences for the mpc option are summarized here.
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